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Friday, August 06, 2004

Again, a short report. I've been spending a lot of time looking out over the Bay. Daytime sees all kind of ships and little boats bobbing around, night time it's usually just the coastguard ship lighting up the water, on a clearer night with the moon overhead too. Yesterday the coastguard disappeared in the morning fog, so there was complete darkness over the sea. We imagined it as a void and freaked outselves out for a while. It was fun.

I've been working on my blurb for the exhibition. 'A Crooked Mile' seems to be favourite for the title. I'm off now to check prices for enlargements and laminating. Later - hopefully baby rabbit watching at my sister's.

I love everybody today (except the elderly man who poked me *hard* in the back in the Post Office the other day. Wow, did I growl at him!!).

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