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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I didn't get the job - I knew this when I heard nothing on Friday, but today they rang and confirmed it. I was caught off-guard - playing The Pixies at volume and halfway into the shower - so when the woman asked if I wanted feedback I said no. Ok, part of me chickened out. I just had a huge idea that they'd make really personal comments about me being not smart enough etc. Because it has been mentioned by a few folk recently. I'm on £15 a week right now, for food, petrol and anything else other than bills, so if you can find flashy clothes for such amounts, then please let me know where I can get them.

Hissy fit over. Saturday was a great day. The weather closed in and went beserk, with pounding rain and a howling wind, but I went to Morrab Library's annual book fair in Penzance. Found some gorgeous stuff I could've spent a fortune on and met a gay bloke from San Francisco who loved my shirt (from a dyke coffeebar there) and best of all, managed to chat to a woman from Cornwall Editions, a local publishers, who wanted to know more about the novel and the plan for a photo book on local milestones. So I have some research to do, which will reinforce my reputation as a geek but may get me a book published, so there.

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