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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I had a job interview yesterday. Oh, the shame!

I don't think I did too badly, bearing in mind I haven't worked for two years and haven't had an interview in ten or more. My mouth went desert-dry with nerves, and I managed to drop a photo of my gf on the floor in front of the two interviewers (both young whippersnappers) but apart from that, it was okay. And the job involves no real braincell work, which would keep my stress levels down and leave me to think about storylines and stuff during the day. And it's only down the road. But I don't know if they want a scary dyke working for them.

After I got home, I did a bit of writing. Happier than I thought with my new story, just wish I had more energy to write. But today I did something good, especially for such an anti social miseryguts - I finally wrote to the Queer Pagan Group, which I've been a member of for ages, but haven't had time to do much about. I'm hoping to find some more weirdos in Penwith. Here's hoping - all the dykes down here (and there are an awful lot) seem a bit on the respectable side. Arse to that!

Two majorly great things - my best friend is coming over from Berlin to visit, for definate now. And I'm reading Patrick Gale's 'The Cat Sanctuary'. Not what I would think of as my usual type of thing, but I'm loving it.

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