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Monday, February 20, 2006

Monday morning, and I'm feeling rather on the sad side; a group email (always the worst) from a friend inviting me to her birthday. If only she had acknowledged my birthday last year, or got in touch now and again to see how I'm doing, I might believe it was more heartfelt. Ah, that's me, always hanging on to things that are gone. And reading more news of the trashing of Madron Well, one of the most magical places I've ever been, makes me sadder and bloody angry, too.

But, a wonderful weekend; Saturday on Marazion beach, sipping coffee and watching the doggies run madly on the sand, and a walk on Sennen beach on Sunday to relieve the hangover - yes! I had a drink!

Oh, and a publisher is showing interest in my first novel...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Oh, and if you're ever in St Austell, check out Menacuddle Well, just down a little track on the Bodmin Road a hundred yards or so outside the town. It has a druid's chair as well as a healing well. The climate there (wet all year round by the looks of it) makes it lush and green, and I got some amazing calm, happy vibes from sitting in the chair, even though it made my arse cold and wet.

Well, I'm still being allowed in here, so I'll do another little pointless post. Bad news for the Internet-incapable, or the idealistic: Google's deal to offer their search engine in China, but apparently with a filter to stop words like 'democracy' being looked up. I'll have to check it out, and if it's for real, then I'll have to find another search engine. Thought Google were still a bunch of hippies. Hmm. Money changes everything, I suppose.

Went to the Tate in St Ives a few days back. Couldn't get into the cafe - all the poshies had got there first. You could hear their 'rah, rah, rah' voices from far away. Is it only a matter of time before gentrification creeps up on Penzance?? House prices are now soaring. I'll be camping on the beach if the rents do the same...

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